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Seeing the Oe'leu of the Haumeni Community from the Side of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation (JPIC)

Francis Lelan, one of the traditional heads of Lake Haumeni, held a ritual in Oe'leu. private document

Writer: Fredy Suni

Tafenpah.com - Culture symbolizes a person's identity. Loving nature created by the Life-Giver is not only about humans. More than that is the correlation between nature and the Haumeni people in caring for the earth.

Take care of the earth in any way. As long as it does not endanger human life itself. The life of the Haumeni people is still thick with respect for nature.

One of the awards that caught the author's attention is the tradition of worshiping "Oe Leu" (Source of holy water) from every tribe in the village of Haumeni.

The etymology of Oe Leu comes from the Dawan language. Oe or Oel means water. While Leu is something that is sacred. So literally, Oe Leu means a sacred water source.

Each tribe has an "Oe Leu" or tribal water source. The Haumeni people when they encounter difficulties or experience natural events, the first thing they do is perform a ritual of worship to the ancestors who reside behind "Oe Leu."

The tradition of holding worship rituals at 'Oe Leu' or holy water source is not idol worship, because the traditions and beliefs of the people who are predominantly Catholic have been integrated into the Catholic tradition.

Ritual integration into the holy water place or "Oe Leu" has existed since the Missionaries or Priests of the SVD Congregation from Europe. The tradition of visiting the "Oe Leu" or holy water source is usually uncertain for every family or tribe that inhabits the Haumeni village. Depending on the needs of each tribe in solving existing problems.

This tradition is of great interest to the author. Because as long as they are in "Oe Leu" or the source of holy water, the adat elders or people entrusted by each tribe will hold a dialogue.

Dialogue between the adat elders and the ancestors who reside behind the holy water source. Generally, every sacred water of the Haumeni community is guarded or inhabited by snakes. In the form of a python or crocodile.

In accordance with the myth of the Timorese Dawan tribe, crocodiles are believed to be their ancestors. But, here the author does not discuss it. Because the problem will only widen. Just an addition for readers.

This dialogue takes place before and after sacrificing the ancestral chosen animal. Before sacrificing the animals chosen by the ancestors in Oe Leu in the form of cows, pigs, and goats, the adat elders will ask permission from the ancestors in a language that only the adat elders can understand.

The sacrifice of the ancestral chosen animal took place, and before the burial together in the holy water source. First, the adat elders will feed the snakes that guard the holy water in the form of the hearts of the sacrificed animals.

'Natek Kem Mnahat' or giving food to the guardians of holy water. The place used is "Taka." Taka is a kind of woven palm leaf that looks round or rectangular. Its aesthetic value is very beautiful and captivating.

Laughter and eating together at the holy water place indeed hold nostalgia for every Haumeni community. Because therein lies the togetherness of a long-separated family.

The meaning of worship in Oe Leu or Holy Water, among others

Cure Disease

The people of Haumeni do not distrust the medical team when they are sick. But before they go to the doctor, the first thing they do is look for the cause and effect, behind the illness suffered by one of the family members.

They will go for guidance from smart people, not shamans. After receiving clear instructions from smart people or Indigos, they immediately pay a visit to "Oe Leu" or holy water source.

Healing was also obtained by sick family members.

Improving Communication With Ancestors

The tradition of visiting holy water sources as a place for emotional bonding between ancestors and those who are still on pilgrimage on earth. After repairing relations with ancestors at the holy water source, they will be facilitated in doing things. The method is similar to what the author described above.

Family Gathering

Humans are search creatures. That's the philosophy of the council that is still relevant today. As a seeker, of course, wandering is the right choice for the Haumeni people in seeking their life and happiness anywhere.

The search for happiness leads everyone to explore the archipelago. Some even seek their lives abroad.

Well, to gather family members who have been separated for a long time, the only way is through the tradition of visiting Oe Leu or holy water sources. Because there the family is united. From there, hopes and prayers, and support also flowed between family members.

This is the emotional connection of the Haumeni people with nature. Where nature has the highest position in the life of the Haumeni people. Appreciating nature means appreciating the nature of God's creation.

Or the cool language is "Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation (JIPC). The Haumeni people have never learned how to respect nature from any book or theory. Let alone philosophy. But an oral tradition that is deeply rooted in every person.

This local wisdom needs to and must be written down, so as not to be eroded by the contamination of foreign cultures which has deeply concerned the millennial and Haumeni generations. Especially in preserving the traditions of their ancestors.

It is this cosmological philosophy that reflects the highest recognition of the Haumeni people to the created world. If through this simple portrait, it can provide a glimmer of hope for readers to perpetuate local wisdom in every region.

Frederikus Suni Admin Tafenpah Group
Frederikus Suni Admin Tafenpah Group Frederikus Suni (Fredy Suni) Mahasiswa Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Siber Asia (Asia Cyber University) | Frederikus Suni pernah DO dari Sekolah Tinggi Filsafat dan Teologi Widya Sasana Malang dan Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Dian Nusantara (Undira) Jakarta || Terkait kerja sama dan informasi iklan bisa melalui email tafenpahtimor@gmail.com || || Instagram: @suni_fredy || @tafenpahcom || @pahtimorcom || Youtube: @Tafenpah Group

2 komentar untuk "Seeing the Oe'leu of the Haumeni Community from the Side of Justice, Peace, Integrity of Creation (JPIC) "

  1. Amaizing...The future must be in our mind so that our relation with investor, never end and we can keep the nature for the next generation. Good job✍


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